Welcome Embodied Ones,

I appreciate your presence and curiosity in growing your embodied capacity and experience! My offerings intend to support deep nervous system renegotiation and support through a body oriented, multidisciplinary approach. The ways in which I relate to and share these manual and somatic therapies - as well as the offerings themselves - continue to evolve and transform, and I feel honored and grateful to partake in this collaborative metamorphosis with you.

I strive to create and hold safer space that is inviting, thoughtful, courageous, and trauma-informed. This work celebrates our collective humanity and inherent joy, while also honoring and making room for the discomfort and grief that comes with each unique lived experience. I explore and share these practices with the intention of expanding our embodied capacity for individual and collective liberation, and I wholeheartedly welcome all bodies - regardless of gender, race, sexuality, and lived experience - into the work.

I welcome you to join in an embodied community of transformation, liberation, and creation through body-mind integration!

