personal somatic sessions

These sessions intend to support and hold space for deepening embodied awareness, expanding resource and self-regulation, and strengthening one’s capacity to navigate their lived experience while processing grief, trauma, and life events & adventures. I offer trauma-informed in-person private sessions in my cozy montpelier studio, in the client’s home, or virtually via zoom. I am also available for rituals, weddings, birthdays, family gatherings, and other special events.

Each personal session is collaborative, and I work with the client (or clients), from a body-oriented, multi disciplinary approach, to sense, intuit, and create an experience catered to the specific needs and intention of the whole individual(s). This process may blend together several body-centered therapies, including experiential somatic movement, Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), and yoga (asana, pranayama, philosophy, and more), along with manual therapies (massage and therapeutic touch) when appropriate and consented. Sessions may take place in chairs, on the floor, seated, lying down, standing up, on a massage table, in movement, in stillness, or a combination of the above.

In addition to the therapeutic benefits of this work, personal sessions can offer a supportive opportunity to personalize alignment in asana (physical practice/poses), deepen one’s experience of meditation and pranayama (conscious breath techniques/energy control), delve deeper into the history & philosophy of these ancient practices, further explore yoga’s 8 limbs (yama ((ethical restraints)), niyama ((observances)), asana, pranayama, pratyahara ((withdrawal of the senses)), dharana ((concentration)), dhyana ((meditation)), & samadhi ((complete integration/absorption)), and act as a platform from which to build a consistent personal practice.

Personal sessions of a restorative or therapeutic nature - including Somatic Experiencing®, yoga nidra, Yin or Restorative Yoga, somatic movement, and guided visualization/meditation - can include therapeutic touch work and/or aromatherapy and support deep and nourishing regulation of the nervous system.

$90-120 sliding scale per hour / $105-130 for 70 minutes / $125-150 for 90 minutes / $180-220 for 2 hours (SE™ sessions are generally one hour unless piggybacked to bodywork or movement session). Rates are for one person/added charge for additional clients and group offerings. Cash is my favorite, and I also accept Venmo or checks for personal sessions. Deeper sliding scale always available if needed! Please email or call or text to schedule your personal session.